Casco Bay Coast Maine biophysical regionThe Casco Bay Coast Biophysical Region is part of the Northeastern Mixed Forest Province and the Central Maine Coastal & Embayment Ecoregion Section. There are 3 Forest Provinces, 6 Ecoregion Sections, and 19 Biophysical Regions in Maine.


Province: Northeastern Mixed Forest

The Northeastern Mixed Forest Province is characterized by a modified continental climatic regime with a maritime influence along the Atlantic Ocean. Winters are moderately long with continual ground snow cover.  Annual precipitation is generally equally distributed with a peak during summer.  Vegetation of this area consists of forests that provide a transition between boreal conifers and broadleaf deciduous.


Ecoregion Section: Central Maine Coastal & Embayment

The Central Maine Coastal and Embayment Ecoregion Section is a glacially scoured and dissected peneplain. Landscapes are generally flat to gently rolling with small areas of knobby bedrock ridges and high hills. Bedrock geology is complex and consists of somewhat alternating bands of metasedimentary and metavolcnaic formations, with scattered granite plutons. Vegetation in this section is closed forest of spruce-fir, oak-hickory, and maple-beech-birch cover types.


Biophysical Region: Casco Bay Coast

The Casco Bay Coast Biophysical Region is still 73% forested, and has more diversity in cover type. The most prevalent forest type is maple-beech-birch, but it only has a 31% share of the forestland.

The top three tree species in this region (based on the stocking of live trees per average forested acre) are:

  1. Red Maple (56 trees per acre)
  2. Eastern White Pine (33 trees per acre)
  3. Eastern Hemlock (33 trees per acre) and Northern Red Oak (33 trees per acre)

This graph shows major tree species/species groups, live tree stocking (trees/acre), and how much they contribute to the overall stocking for the Casco Bay Coast Biophysical Region:

Casco Bay Coast Biophysical Region hardwood and softwood tree species

* All data are based on the Maine Forest Inventory & Analysis, 2015 (United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service)

Check out the other 2 bioregions in the Northeastern Mixed Forest Province and the Central Maine Coastal & Embayment Ecoregion Section:


To learn more about Maine’s Biophysical Regions, download this comprehensive document from Maine Natural Areas Program (2014):